Crying doctor sees twin brother's heart stop amid coronavirus recovery terror (2025)

While working on the NHS frontline, Dr Chris van Tulleken gets a devastating call about his own twin brother.

The infectious diseases doctor at UCLH in central London, the epicentre of treating the UK outbreak, never expected to see his identical twin while returning to frontline medicine for the first time in 10 years.

After witnessing the horrific impact of the coronavirus pandemic on patients in intensive care, Dr Chris fears the worst when he discovers his brother, Dr Xand, has been rushed to hospital.

Dr Xand, who has a background in humanitarian medicine and worked in disaster zones around the world, suffered the classic symptoms of a fever, loss of taste and a hacking cough when he contracted the virus.

While recovering from coronavirus, Dr Xand started suffering from strange heart palpitations, which get so severe he needs urgent medical care.

After waking up at 3am in a panic, Dr Xand felt incredibly ill and sick - but it's what is happening to his heart that terrifies his brother.

After some tests, doctors realise his heart is beating in a funny rhythm and his blood pressure is low.

"It's like my heart is doing a marathon and I'm sat here doing nothing," explains Dr Xand.

They decide to give Dr Xand a huge electric shock which will stop his heart completely and allow it to restart naturally.

But the biggest fear for Dr Chris is that he is not entirely sure his brother's heart will start again.

"When you're a twin, we're not telepathic, but Xand is half my identity. There's no one I'm closer to," admits Dr Chris.

"Oh f***," screams Xand as he is shocked and jolts back on the bed.

There are a few agonising seconds as Dr Xand flatlines, but eventually his heart beat gets back to normal.

With tears streaming down his face, Dr Chris admits: "I wasn't expecting the flatline for so long afterwards. It wasn't nice watching it being done."

After waking up, a relieved Dr Xand thanks the NHS staff who saved his life, but fears for the future.

"I got a real sense today of how unpleasant it is being ill. How unpleasant it is having stuff done to you," explains Dr Xand.

"I'm obviously anxious about it as every time it happens I have to come in and get defibrillated.

"I'm frustrated and I feel uncertain. I feel apprehensive. If I knew it was going to keep happening and when and all the triggers, that would be a bit easier.

"But it might not happen or it might be something that dogs me for years to come, and I don't like not knowing."

Together, doctors Chris and Xand are witnessing the crisis in close-up, reacting as it unfolds to create a frank and fascinating picture of what’s happening on the frontline in BBC documentary Surviving the Virus: My Brother & Me.

Not only has Chris been called up to help clinically, he’s uniquely placed to help explain the science of this epidemic and he is able to give a unique insight into the infection wards and ICU.

With special access to University College Hospital London, the film offers an in-depth and poignant portrait of what’s happening on the medical frontline, filmed over the last six weeks as we witness one of the country’s leading hospitals dealing with the pandemic.

Dr Xand, who is volunteering with humanitarian aid groups who he’s assisted during previous health crises in the developing world, makes a shocking discovery on his own doorstep in one of Britain's care homes.

Usually assisting during a crisis in a foreign country, this time Dr Xand goes to a small care home in Peterborough, one of the first in the country to suffer a major Covid outbreak.

There are seven wreaths hanging on the fence outside to pay tribute to the seven dead residents.

More than a third of the elderly residents at Philia Lodgecare home died within a two week period.

Within just a few days many residents and staff were infected when the virus got in, with those who died mainly living down the same corridor.

And the devastated staff our furious that government advised care homes were low at risk and didn't do more to help in the early weeks.

"They're not just a resident, they actually become a family," says care home manager Heidi Seldon.

"These people are dying painful deaths away from their families. You just have to support the person passing as comfortably as you can, telling them their loved ones love them"

Choking up, she adds: "It's difficult."

Heidi explains that care homes were advised they were not at risk and not likely to get coronavirus, so initially they had no idea what they were dealing with.

Heidi adds: "We did struggle. You couldn't go to your local authority at that stage and get masks. There wasn't any."

The care home now checks the temperatures of all staff and residents every two hours, while carers wash their hands every 20 minutes.

They are even forced to keep residents that like sitting together apart, with many suffering from dementia unable to understand what is happening.

"It seems amazing now the government saying they were low risk," admits Dr Xand.

"More than a third of their residents were wiped out in two weeks. Deaths that shouldn't have happened. The people dying in that care home are the most vulnerable in our society.

"It feels like theres an axe hanging over every care home in the UK."

Meanwhile, Dr Chris is going back to work on hospital wards for the first time in a decade during the third week of lockdown.

Chris gets to work treating patients on the infectious disease wards, and he quickly learns just how unpredictable the virus can be

Revealing his nerves, he says: "Medicine is really complicated and you very quickly forget it. That's what I feel nervous about now."

Dr Chris also has to worry about his pregnant wife and young daughter at home when going out on the frontline.

He soon discovers that the entire UCL hospital has been taken over to handle coronavirus - with theatres turned into ICU and the stroke unit now a high dependency respiratory unit.

After putting on the uncomfortable PPE, Dr Chris is assigned to specialist wards with particularly ill patients, with the disease throwing up some unexpected outcomes.

One patient is so disoriented after leaving ICU that his daughter is allowed to visit to help him recover.

His mouth has dried out and is so sore he can't drink after weeks on a ventilator.

The doctors are astounded at how many confused patients there are having hallucinations - with one seeing lions, tigers and monkeys in their house.

In the hospital, half of those coming into the intensive care unit are dying, which is causing much concern.

Dr Chris listens to a wife crying in distress after seeing that her husband has died.

"He's the first person I've seen die of Covid. I feel quite affected by that. Partly because of the environment I come from. I'm not used to seeing people die as much anymore.

"He should have had 13 or 14 more years of life. There are three young kids who will wake up tomorrow morning and never have their dad again."

*Surviving The Virus: My Brother & Me airs tonight on BBC One at 9pm

Crying doctor sees twin brother's heart stop amid coronavirus recovery terror (2025)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.