260+ Funny Thursday Quotes that Tickle your Bone - Side Quotes (2024)

Welcome to a world where laughter meets the middle of the workweek – our collection of Funny Thursday Quotes is here to sprinkle a dose of humor into your day!

Thursday, often referred to as the “almost Friday,” is that delightful midweek oasis where the weekend starts to peek over the horizon. Our Funny Thursday Quotes capture the essence of the day, blending wit and humor to turn those mundane moments into smile-inducing ones.

So, if you’re ready to transform your Thursday into a day filled with smiles, giggles, and perhaps a snort or two, dive into our Funny Thursday Quotes collection. It’s not just about surviving Thursday; it’s about embracing the humor woven into the fabric of the almost-weekend. Because, after all, laughter is the best antidote to the challenges of the week, and Thursdays are the perfect canvas for it. Let the humor unfold, and may your Thursday be filled with joy, mirth, and a generous sprinkle of funny quotes!

260+ Funny Thursday Quotes that Tickle your Bone - Side Quotes (1)

Table of Contents

Funny Thursday Quotes

Thursday, the almost-weekend day, brings a unique blend of anticipation and relief. As you navigate through the challenges of the week, a good dose of humor can be the perfect remedy to lift your spirits. What better way to lighten the mood than with a collection of funny Thursday quotes that will leave you chuckling and ready to conquer the remainder of the week?

Thursday is my favorite day to plan how I’m going to get out of the plans I already made for the weekend.

“Thursday: The day my coffee needs coffee before I can start my day.”

“Thursday is the day I can see Friday in the rearview mirror!”

“Thursday is like a speed bump on the way to the weekend.”

“Thursday is the day I start counting down to the weekend… on my fingers.”

“Thursday: When reality starts to set in, and I realize I have one more day to pretend I know what I’m doing.”

“Thursday is nature’s way of telling you it’s time to start making weekend plans.”

“Thursday is the day I officially become a professional procrastinator.”

“Thursday: Because nothing says ‘I have my life together’ like missing three deadlines in a row.”

“Thursday is the new Friday, according to my highly scientific ‘I can’t wait for Friday’ study.”

“Thursday is the day I can finally justify my constant daydreaming about the weekend.”

“Thursday: When I realize that my weekly goal of being a ‘morning person’ has officially failed.”

Thursday is the day I put on my ‘get stuff done’ hat, but it’s mostly just for show.

“Thursday is the day I wonder why people say, ‘You’re almost there!’ when I’m clearly not there yet.”

“Thursday is the day I switch from ‘I can do this’ to ‘Can I do this?'”

“Thursday is the day I take life one cup of coffee at a time.”

“Thursday: Because nothing says progress like moving closer to Friday.”

“Thursday is the day I realize that adulting is just a never-ending game of ‘Guess what happens next.'”

“Thursday: The only day that sounds like a pirate trying to say ‘Tuesday.'”

“Thursday: The day I can see the weekend on the horizon but can’t quite reach it yet.”

“Thursday is like a trailer for the weekend – it gives you a glimpse, but you’re still waiting for the main event.”

“Thursday: When I try to remember what I was supposed to accomplish this week and hope no one notices.”

“Thursday is the day I wonder why I thought scheduling so many meetings was a good idea.”

“Thursday: The day I realize my weekly goal of going to the gym four times is now officially a fantasy.”

“Thursday is the day I consider renaming my to-do list to ‘things I’ll do next week.'”

“Thursday is the day I’m not sure if the week is dragging or if I’m just in slow motion.”

“Thursday: The day I remind myself that it’s okay not to have everything figured out… until Friday.”

“Thursday is the day I question if I’m being productive or just rearranging the items on my desk.”

“Thursday: When my calendar says I have one day left, but my energy level says I’m on day 273.”

Thursday is the day I wish there was a ‘skip to Friday’ button on my calendar.

Feel free to share these quotes for a good laugh and a lighthearted perspective on the joys and challenges of Thursday!

Funny Thursday Quotes Hashtags

  • #ThursdayTickles
  • #LaughingThroughThursday
  • #ThursdayHumor
  • #FunnyVibes
  • #AlmostFridayFeels
  • #ThursdayChuckles
  • #WeekdayGiggles
  • #SillyThursday
  • #SmileOnThursday
  • #HumorInBetween
260+ Funny Thursday Quotes that Tickle your Bone - Side Quotes (2)

Funny Thursday Quotes Captions

  1. “Thursday: My coffee needs coffee, and my to-do list needs a motivational speaker. ☕️😂 #ThursdayHumor”
  2. “Navigating Thursday like a boss… if the boss occasionally considers napping at their desk. 😎💤 #AlmostFridayFeels”
  3. “Thursday vibes: When adulting feels more like advanced pretending. 🤷‍♀️😜 #ThursdayChuckles”
  4. “Who needs a calendar when you can measure the week in cups of coffee? Happy Thursday! ☕️😁 #CoffeeAndChuckles”
  5. “Thursday game plan: Conquer the world… or at least conquer the urge to take a mid-morning nap. 💪😴 #ThursdayGoals”
  6. “Embracing Thursday with open arms and a questionable amount of enthusiasm. 🤗😂 #ThursdayTickles”
  7. “Thursday wisdom: Laughter is the best medicine, especially when your week needs a pick-me-up. 😄💊 #FunnyThursdayQuotes”
  8. “Thursday checklist: Smile, laugh, repeat. Oh, and maybe do some work in between. 😄📝 #PositiveVibes”
  9. “Thursday reality check: My to-do list laughed at my ambitious Monday goals. 😅🗒️ #RealityVsGoals”
  10. “Thursday mood: Attempting to be a morning person while silently plotting my weekend adventures. ☀️🤔 #ThursdayMood”

Funny Thursday Quotes with Emojis

  1. Good morning, Thursday! ☕️ Today’s goal: Pretend I’m working while secretly planning my weekend escape. 🤫
  2. Thursday: When your coffee needs coffee before you can adult. ☕️😴
  3. Thursday vibes: The struggle between wanting to conquer the day and needing a nap. 😅💤
  4. Rise and shine, it’s Thursday! 🌞 Time to adult… or at least try. 😂
  5. Thursday, the day I consider renaming my to-do list to “things I’ll do next week.” 🗒️🤔
  6. Thursday: The day I officially declare that I survived the week – almost. 🎉🙌
  7. Hello, Thursday! You’re like the middle child of the week – not as exciting, but we still appreciate you. 😜👋
  8. Thursday: When reality sets in, and I realize I haven’t finished half the things I planned on Monday. 🤷‍♂️📆
  9. Thursday, the day when my optimism about the weekend ahead clashes with my practical need for more sleep. 😴⏰
  10. Rise and shine, it’s Thursday! The day when I try to convince myself that I have everything under control. 😅🌈

Witty Thursday Quotes

“Thursday is the day I take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lime, and a shot of tequila.”

“Thursday: Because who needs reality when there’s the anticipation of Friday?”

“Thursday is like the middle child of the week – neither here nor there, but always ready for attention.”

“Thursday: When I strategically plan to do all the things I was supposed to do on Monday.”

“Thursday is the day I try to remember why I set ‘New Year, New Me’ goals.”

“Thursday: The day I try to get my ducks in a row but end up with a flock of geese going in all directions.”

“Thursday is the day I’m thankful for coffee, sarcasm, and inappropriate humor to get me through.”

“Thursday is the day I count my blessings and realize that having a sense of humor is at the top of the list.”

“Thursday: When I pretend to be a morning person, but my bed is silently judging me.”

“Thursday is the day I question if I’m fluent in adulting or just really good at pretending.”

“Thursday: When I contemplate life’s big questions, like ‘Is it too early for wine?'”

“Thursday is the day I wonder if my coffee is strong enough to carry me to the weekend.”

“Thursday: The day I realize that my to-do list is like a maze, and I’m not holding the map.”

“Thursday is the day I decide whether to conquer the world or take a nap – it’s a tough call.”

“Thursday: When I attempt to organize my life and end up with a Pinterest fail version of productivity.”

“Thursday is the day I practice my ‘I’m listening, but I’m really thinking about Friday’ face.”

“Thursday: The day I entertain the idea of going to the gym but settle for a good laugh instead.”

“Thursday is like the fine print of the week – small, often overlooked, but still important.”

“Thursday: When I’m on a first-name basis with the coffee maker and the weekend is my next-door neighbor.”

“Thursday is the day I ask myself, ‘Am I almost there yet?’ and realize it’s a philosophical question.”

260+ Funny Thursday Quotes that Tickle your Bone - Side Quotes (3)

Sarcastic Thursday Quotes

Explore a spectrum of clever quips, sarcastic remarks, and light-hearted observations that playfully navigate the unique charm of Thursdays. Whether you’re grappling with the last remnants of the workweek or counting down the hours until Friday freedom, our Funny Thursday Quotes are designed to resonate with the delightful chaos of this peculiar day.

Thursday: because who doesn’t love a day that’s practically the weekend but not quite?

Oh, Thursday, you’re like the middle child of the weekdays – not exciting, but we still have to deal with you.

Thursday is that awkward friend who shows up early to the party and stays way too long.

Thursday: because pretending to be productive for one more day won’t kill us… probably.

Ah, Thursday, the day I put the ‘pro’ in procrastination.

Thursday: the day when I’m not sure if I should be working hard or hardly working.

Thursday is the day when my motivation has already left for the weekend.

Thank you, Thursday, for being the day that makes us appreciate Friday more.

Thursday is the day I consider making a to-do list, but then I remember I have a couch.

Oh, Thursday, you think you’re so close to Friday, but you’re really just a tease.

Thursday: the day I pretend to be a responsible adult, but deep down, I just want to nap.

Thank goodness it’s Thursday – said no one ever.

Thursday: the day I’m convinced the clock is moving in slow motion.

Thursday is the day when I’m both amazed and disappointed at how little I’ve accomplished this week.

Thursday: the day I question my life choices and wonder if I should’ve pursued a career as a professional napper.

Thursday, you’re like the unsung hero of the week – nobody really notices you.

Oh, Thursday, the day I realize I haven’t even started the tasks I planned to finish on Monday.

Thursday: the day I contemplate adulting but then decide it’s overrated.

Thursday, the day when I’m torn between doing something productive and binge-watching my favorite TV show.

Thank you, Thursday, for reminding me that I’m not as organized and put-together as I thought.

Office Humor for Thursday

From office humor that captures the spirit of workplace antics to general musings that celebrate the quirks of Thursday, our collection offers a diverse array of chuckle-worthy moments. Picture yourself sipping coffee with a knowing grin, sharing a laugh with colleagues, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the humorous side of life.

Thursday: the day when the coffee machine becomes my best friend and my keyboard, my mortal enemy.

If Thursday had a face, it would be the expression I make when I see my inbox on a Monday morning.

Thursday is the day when I consider trading in my keyboard for a hammock. Productivity takes a nap.

On Thursdays, my computer starts to feel like a time machine set to slow motion.

Thank you, Thursday, for being the day I try to convince myself that my desk is actually clean and organized.

Thursday is the day when I’m convinced that my computer screen is plotting against me.

Dear Thursday, can you speed up a bit? I’ve got deadlines to ignore.

Thursday: the day when I’m one cup of coffee away from a performance review with myself.

On Thursdays, my productivity levels have a close encounter with the floor.

Thursday is the day I realize I’ve been starring at the same spreadsheet for an hour without actually doing anything.

Thank you, Thursday, for giving me the illusion that I have the rest of the week under control.

Thursday: the day when my to-do list looks at me and laughs.

Thursday is the day I wonder if my job description includes ‘professional meeting attendee.’

On Thursdays, my desk transforms into a graveyard for abandoned to-do lists.

Thursday: when I convince myself that I’m not procrastinating, I’m just strategically delaying.

Thank you, Thursday, for being the day I consider changing my job title to ‘office ninja.’

Thursday is the day I try to remember what my job is without looking at my job description.

Thursday: the day when I contemplate whether my desk chair is secretly a time-traveling device set to ‘slow.’

On Thursdays, my computer starts playing hide-and-seek with the documents I desperately need.

Thursday is the day when my computer screen gives me the silent treatment.

Thank you, Thursday, for making me question whether my stapler is possessed by a mischievous office spirit.

Thursday: when I strategically schedule meetings to avoid doing actual work.

Thursday is the day when my desk becomes a crime scene for missing pens and post-it notes.

On Thursdays, my calendar mocks me with reminders of tasks I haven’t started.

Thursday: the day when I’m one Excel spreadsheet away from a meltdown.

Thank you, Thursday, for being the day I consider sending my computer on a vacation.

Thursday is the day when I realize my desk is the black hole for office supplies.

Thursday: the day when I question if my computer screen is intentionally giving me a headache.

On Thursdays, my coffee mug becomes my motivational speaker.

Thursday is the day when I’m pretty sure my office chair is plotting against my comfort.

Good Morning Thursday Funny

Rise and shine with a twist of humor! Our “Good Morning Thursday Funny” collection is designed to kickstart your day with laughter and lightheartedness. Delve into a world of witty quips and clever jests tailored for Thursday mornings – because why start your day without a smile? Embrace the joy of humor, navigate the challenges of the workweek with a chuckle, and let our funny gems set the tone for a positively amusing Thursday morning. It’s a playful way to greet the day and add a touch of laughter to your routine. Start your Thursday with a grin, and let the good vibes roll!

Good morning, Thursday! If days of the week were a race, you’re the cool, laid-back runner who’s just enjoying the journey.

Rise and shine, it’s Thursday! Time to tackle the day with a positive attitude and a questionable amount of caffeine.

Good morning, Thursday! You’re the day I pretend to be a morning person while secretly plotting my weekend adventures.

Thursday, the day when reality sets in, and I realize I haven’t finished half the things I planned on Monday. Good morning!

Hello, Thursday! You’re like the middle child of the week – not as exciting as the weekend, but we still appreciate your presence.

Good morning! Thursday, the day when my coffee needs coffee before I can consider any sort of productivity.

Thursday, you’re the morning coffee I didn’t know I needed in my week. Good morning, bring on the humor!

Rise and shine, it’s Thursday! The day when my optimism about the weekend ahead clashes with my practical need for more sleep.

Good morning, Thursday! You’re the day I try to convince myself that I have everything under control. Keyword: try.

Thursday, the day when I wake up and think, “Is it Friday yet?” Good morning to the anticipation of the almost-weekend!

Good morning, Thursday! You’re the day I wonder if my bed is playing a cruel joke on me by being so comfortable.

Thursday, the day when my alarm clock and I have a serious conversation about our differences. Good morning, let the negotiations begin!

Good morning! Thursday, the day when I check my to-do list and realize it’s more of a suggestion than an actual plan.

Rise and shine, it’s Thursday! The day when I try to adult, but my bed is calling me back for a mid-week siesta.

Thursday, you’re the day I contemplate whether putting on matching socks counts as a major life accomplishment. Good morning, world!

Good morning, Thursday! The day when my breakfast choices reflect my level of enthusiasm for adulting.

Thursday, the day when I’m not sure if I need more coffee or a time machine to get to the weekend faster. Good morning!

Rise and shine! It’s Thursday, the day when my enthusiasm for the day competes with my desire to stay in bed a little longer.

Good morning, Thursday! You’re the day when my brain tries to convince me that wearing pajamas to work is a genius idea.

Thursday, the day when I contemplate if hitting the snooze button is a form of rebellion. Good morning, let the inner battle begin!

Positive Thursday Quotes

Elevate your Thursday with our “Positive Thursday Quotes” collection! Dive into a treasury of uplifting and motivational quotes tailored to infuse your day with optimism. Embrace the positivity that Thursday brings, turning challenges into triumphs and setbacks into stepping stones.

These quotes are a source of inspiration, reminding you that each Thursday is a new opportunity to grow, achieve, and appreciate the journey. Start your day with a positive mindset, and let our collection be the guiding light that transforms your Thursday into a day of possibilities and progress. It’s time to harness the power of positivity and make your Thursday shine!

Embrace the positive vibes; Thursday is the gateway to the weekend.

Thursday, the day to turn setbacks into comebacks.

Let your Thursday be fueled by gratitude and optimism.

It’s not just Thursday; it’s another chance to make this week amazing.

Thursday is a canvas; paint a masterpiece of positivity.

Wake up and be thankful – it’s a Thursday kind of day!

Thursday: where the possibilities are as endless as your positivity.

Choose joy, choose kindness – it’s the Thursday way.

In the middle of the week, find joy in the little victories of Thursday.

Let Thursday be a reminder that you are one day closer to your goals.

Rise and shine; Thursday is the perfect day for a fresh start.

Thursday: a gentle nudge reminding you that you’re doing great.

Thursday’s sunshine is the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Keep your head high; Thursday is the mountain peak of the workweek.

Inhale confidence, exhale doubt – it’s a Thursday ritual.

Thursday: the day to sprinkle kindness like confetti.

You’ve got this! Thursday is proof of your strength and resilience.

Thursday is a melody of hope and determination.

Embrace the positivity that Thursday brings; you’re halfway there.

Shine bright, Thursday; let your positive energy light up the week.

Thursday is a blank page; write a story filled with positivity.

Today, let your actions speak louder than any Thursday blues.

Thursday is the bridge between the hustle and the weekend; cross it with a smile.

Thursday: where your positive thoughts transform into powerful actions.

Life is a journey, and Thursday is a step closer to your destination.

Wake up with determination; Thursday is your canvas of possibilities.

Thursday: a day to appreciate progress, no matter how small.

Conquer Thursday with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit full of optimism.

Thursday is a reminder that you’re resilient, capable, and deserving of success.

Infuse your Thursday with positivity; it’s the secret ingredient to a remarkable day.

In the grand scheme of the workweek, Thursday stands out as a beacon of hope, signaling the imminent arrival of the weekend. These funny Thursday quotes serve as both a source of amusem*nt and a reminder that, despite the challenges, there’s always room for laughter. So, whether you’re navigating work responsibilities or simply counting down the hours until Friday, let these quotes add a sprinkle of humor to your Thursday routine. After all, a good laugh is the perfect fuel to carry you through to the weekend!

260+ Funny Thursday Quotes that Tickle your Bone - Side Quotes (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.